The Dance of the Planets,Dionysis SimopoulosAthens, 2007Publisher: Eugenides Foundation (New Digital Planetarium) This Guide accompanies the show-mousikorama Mimis Plessas "The Dance of the Planets." In this performance she sought a "marriage" of science with art, visualized through a musical journey along the paths of "spheres" that form the Solar System. Therefore, an overview of the solar system and the celestial bodies it contains. ------- Dionysis Simopoulos (1943-) is a modern Greek physicist and astronomer, honorary director of the Eugenides Planetarium, Award for his contributions to astronomy education, with important literary and journalistic activity in the press, on television and multimedia shows and as a writer on current affairs ... ------- Development of Android application by Automon (Antonis Panoris):http://
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